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Multiple Myeloma Cascade With Reflex to sIFE and sFLC

CPT 84155; 84165

Test Details

Turnaround Time

3 - 5 days


To maximize the clinical sensitivity of Serum Protein Electrophoresis (SPEP) when screening for plasma cell dyscrasias.

Test Includes

A Serum Protein Electrophoresis (SPEP) test is first run. If the SPEP is:

1. Positive (i.e., M-Protein present), a serum Immunofixation (sIFE) test is automatically ordered and run (at additional charge). This reflexed test serves to identify the M-protein's heavy and light chain components (e.g., "IgG Kappa"). This finding will be reported and no further reflex testing will occur.

2. Negative (i.e., no M-Protein seen), a serum Free Light Chain (sFLC) test is automatically ordered and run (at additional charge). Then:

• If the sFLC is Positive (i.e., abnormal K/L ratio), a serum Immunofixation (sIFE) test is automatically ordered and run (at additional charge). This reflexed test serves to identify the M-protein's heavy and light chain components (e.g., "IgG Kappa"). This finding will be reported and no further reflex testing will occur.

• If the sFLC is Negative (i.e., no abnormal K/L ratio), no further reflex testing will occur. A recommendation comment will be added to the report to "Consider ordering urine Immunofixation (uIFE) to rule out Amyloidosis (AL)."


SPEP: Protein electrophoresis on agarose media; IFE: Electrophoresis followed by immunodiffusion against monospecific antisera to immunoglobulin and individual heavy and light chains; Ig Quant: turbidimetric quantitation of IgG, IgA, and IgM; sFLC: turbidimetric quantitation

Additional Information

The analytical sensitivity of the commonly used serum tests for Multiple Myeloma (MM) screening is: SPEP < sIFE < sFLC with SPEP being the least sensitive and sFLC being the most sensitive detector of M-proteins.1

According to the International Myeloma Working Group (IMWG) guidelines, addition of sFLC and IFE to SPEP can prevent false negatives and increases the detection of multiple myeloma to >99%.2

Specimen Requirements

Information on collection, storage, and volume




5 mL

Minimum Volume

3 mL


Red-top tube or gel-barrier tube

Storage Instructions

Refrigerate at 2°C to 8°C.

Causes for Rejection

Hemolysis; plasma instead of serum