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Financial assistance

Financial Assistance

We're here to help you.

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Payment plans

We provide a variety of options to assist patients who need financial assistance. Interested in a payment plan? Just call our representatives to get started. There are no fees or interest charges for this program. For assistance with IntelliGEN® Myeloid, OmniSeq INSIGHT®, Labcorp® Plasma Focus™ and Labcorp® Plasma Complete™ testing assistance, please call the Labcorp Oncology Services Team at 800-844-8121.

Oncology Patient Access Form for IntelliGEN® Myeloid, OmniSeq INSIGHT®, Labcorp® Plasma Focus™ and Labcorp® Plasma Complete™

For all other patient billing inquiries, please contact billing customer service at 800-845-6167. 

Additional assistance plans

Financial hardship program

This program is for patients that do not receive charity care through their local hospital or those who do not qualify for the Indigent Patient Program. If a patient is in need of reduced fees due to financial hardship the patient should call billing customer service upon receipt of the first bill. The customer service representative will send the patient an application for the financial hardship program and request a copy of the patient’s income tax returns (1040 form) or disability benefit summary and a letter requesting the assistance. The patient’s family size and income will be compared to the federal poverty income guidelines to determine an appropriate discount.

Charity care

If a patient receives charity care from the hospital that sent us the specimen, a copy of the Charity Care Program approval letter/card should be attached to the test requisition form (test requisition form is completed by a medical professional). The approval letter/card should state the amount of assistance the patient receives, along with the start and end date of eligibility. We will honor the same discount and dates of eligibility that are stated on the patient’s Charity Care documentation. Request from physician/facility: A physician seeing an indigent patient may authorize Labcorp Oncology to adjust a patient bill due to financial hardship by signing an indigent agreement with Labcorp Oncology.