Peer-Reviewed Publication

RNA sequencing identifies novel NRG1 fusions in solid tumors that lack co-occurring oncogenic drivers

May 8, 2023

Few DNA panels target NRG1 for sequencing.  This paper highlights the value of RNA sequencing in OmniSeq for detecting these rare fusions and directing patient treatment.Graphical Summary of RNA sequencing identifies novel NRG1 fusions in solid tumors that lack co-occurring oncogenic drivers

Gene fusions caused by chromosomal rearrangements are an important category of driver mutations in cancer. Although relatively rare, NRG1 gene fusions represent an important targetable alteration with therapeutic implications. Tumors with NRG1 fusions rarely have other targetable alterations—therefore, identification is important for proper clinical trial enrollment.  In our analysis, we identified 17 total cases of NRG1 fusions (including 11 novel fusions) after OmniSeq INSIGHT testing, which sequences both DNA and RNA.  NRG1 gene fusions were found in a variety of solid tumors including Lung carcinoma, breast carcinoma, and colorectal carcinoma.

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Published in: Journal of Molecular Diagnostics