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March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month



Colorectal Cancer 

Labcorp Oncology offers a comprehensive test menu to support you and your colorectal cancer patients along their continuum of care, from early screening and diagnostics through treatment and follow-up. 

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Genetic Risk Assessment   |    Screening    |     Diagnostic    |    Biomarkers for Therapeutic Selection    |     Monitoring

Colorectal cancer

Educational Content


Molecular Tumor Board: 52-year-old male with colon cancer and POLE P286R alteration

This MTB reviews a case of metastatic MSS colon cancer with a POLE mutation and high tumor mutational burden, detected on a CGIP platform. Our team discusses the incidence and therapeutic significance of POLE/POLD1 proofreading deficiency mutations in patients with colon cancer.


How to increase screening compliance rates

Watch subject matter experts Aasma Shaukat, MD, MPH, and Erin Peterson from the Colon Cancer Coalition address how to capture patient compliance for colorectal cancer screenings, gain early detection and improve patient outcomes.


Improving health outcomes and lowering costs with colon cancer testing programs

Labcorp created an employee-focused colon cancer screening campaign in 2024. The goal was to encourage our employees to stay on top of age-appropriate preventive screenings and reinforce the important role they play in the early detection and treatment of cancer. 

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Genetic Risk Assessment

Germline Testing

VistaSeq® Hereditary Cancer Panels

Provides an assessment of genetic mutations known to be associated with hereditary cancer syndromes.

Learn more about VistaSeq® Hereditary Cancer Panels

Germline Testing

Lynch Syndrome Germline Testing

Full gene sequencing and deletion/duplication analysis to confirm a clinical diagnosis of Lynch syndrome.  Lynch syndrome accounts for about 3% of all colorectal cancer (CRC) cases.1-3

Learn more about Lynch Syndrome Germline Testing

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Fecal Occult Blood Immunoassay

Qualitative detection of fecal occult blood. This test is intended only for the detection of human hemoglobin in fecal specimens and is designed for preliminary colorectal cancer screening. A positive result should be followed up with additional diagnostic procedures.4

Learn more about Fecal Occult Blood Immunoassay

Diagnostic Icon



Complex Tumor Analysis by IHC

Our extensive antibody library and team of experienced pathologists can provide a differential diagnostic analysis in even the most difficult cases.

Learn more about Complex Tumor Analysis by IHC


Comprehensive Lynch Syndrome Tumor Testing

Tumor testing can reveal whether the colorectal cancer is caused by the genes related to Lynch syndrome. Tumor tests include immunohistochemistry and/or molecular analysis. Positive/absent results indicate a malfunction in the genes connected to Lynch syndrome.

Learn more about Comprehensive Lynch Syndrome Tumor Testing

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Biomarkers for Therapeutic Selection

Biomarkers and tests for clinical management and treatment decision-making

BRAF gene mutation analysisMutations in the BRAF  geneCetuximab5, panitumumab5, encorafenib + cetuximab6 
DPYD GenotypingVariations in the DPYD  gene5-FU-based chemotherapy7
HER2 IHC reflex to FISH if equivocalHER2 protein expression or gene amplificationTucatinib8
KRAS gene mutation analysis, IVDMutations in the KRAS  gene (exons 2, 3, and 4)Cetuximab9, panitumumab10
Labcorp® Plasma Focus™ 33 actionable or clinically relevant genes for somatic single nucleotide variants (SNVs) and insertions/deletions (indels)Targeted therapies
Microsatellite Instability (MSI) by PCR or Mismatch Repair (MMR) Proteins by IHCMicrosatellite instabilitypembrolizumab11
NRAS gene mutation analysis, extendedMutations in the NRAS  gene (exons 2, 3, and 4)Cetuximab12, panitumumab13
OmniSeq® INSIGHT, solid tumor NGS panel (DNA and RNA)Includes DNA and RNA sequencing (523 genes), MSI, TMB*, fusion analysis including NTRK and RET, PD-L1 IHC and immune gene profilingTargeted therapies and immunotherapies
UGT1A1 Irinotecan Toxicity Polymorphism UGT1A1*28Irinotecan14,15

*TMB - tumor mutational burden

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Cancer Antigen 19-9

For the quantitative determination of CA 19-9 tumor-associated antigen in serum or plasma of patients with colorectal cancer to monitor disease progress.16

Learn more about Cancer Antigen 19-9


Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA)

For the in vitro quantitative determination of carcinoembryonic antigen in human serum and plasma. The CEA assay is indicated for serial measurement of CEA to aid in the management of cancer patients.16

Learn more about Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA)
